Interior Renovations
The renovations are now complete!
The Community Centre will remain closed until further notice due to public health restrictions.
Update 10/29/2020:
The renovations are currently scheduled to be completed in early November.
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Original Post 2/20/2020:
STCC is pleased to announce we will be undergoing Phase Two of our accessibility renovations starting this spring! While renovations are taking place, we will be temporarily suspending operations and programs currently being offered at the community centre.
The Ice Rink will continue to be maintained by the community centre until end of season. Canteen will be open until renovations start in March.
Phase One included adding new wheelchair accessible washrooms at the rear of the facility, moving the rear stairs, replacing the rear door, and installing a new wheelchair ramp and accessible front entrance.
Completed in 2019, (wheelchair ramp in 2020).
Phase Two will include removing the old washrooms and board room to make the facility wider and more usable for programming and events. This also includes the installation of new energy efficient lighting, durable rubber skate flooring throughout the facility, and partitioning to maximize the usable space of the facility.
Funding for this renovation and accessibility improvements includes:
$64K - Building Sustainable Communities (Manitoba Government)
$24K - New Horizons for Seniors (Government of Canada)
$100K - Renovation Grant (City of Winnipeg)
Once these renovations are completed and the facility reopens to the public later this year, the board will be looking to improve and add to the current programming offered at the community centre.
This includes continuing and growing currently established programming such as Paint Nights, Movie Nights and fitness classes. While also adding more programs geared towards seniors, parent groups, and youth groups. To accomplish this, we will need participation from our community as well as surrounding communities to ensure attendance and make these programs successful.
Have programming suggestions?
We want to hear from you! If you are looking for specific programs that you wish to participate, email us with your thoughts and suggestions at info@southtransconacc.com
If you are looking to host a class or program at South Transcona Community Centre, please email jandrade@southtransconacc.com with details.
FAQ's about the Accessibility Project:
Q. Will the Community Centre close during the renovations?
A. Yes, due to the removal of flooring and lighting the facility will have to close during construction. We don't currently have an exact date of when the project will start or when it will be completed.
Q. Will the summer events be cancelled?
A. We will do everything possible to prevent cancelling events like Family Fun Day and the Show and Shine this year! We will post on our website when these events will take place, stay tuned!
Q. Why are we renovating?
A. The main motivation behind this renovation is to make our facility accessible for everyone! The planning for this project has been several years in the making. The flooring and lighting throughout the facility is also due for replacement after many years of use.
Q. Why did we remove the Change Rooms?
A. To meet City code requirements for Accessible Public Washrooms, the new washrooms needed to be larger then the old ones to allow a wheelchair to move freely within them. These larger washrooms were too big to fit where the old washrooms were located making the location of the old Change Rooms the best location. Future partitioning and skate flooring will still allow our facility to be used for ice skating during the winter!
Q. Will these renovations increase the total capacity of the facility?
A. Yes. However, this was not the motivation behind starting this project and is the result of moving the washrooms to the rear of the facility.
Have another question? Email us at info@southtransconacc.com
Update 8/25/2020:
Interior renovations are scheduled to restart within the next couple of weeks. An estimated completion date will be posted soon!
Update 8/4/2020:
Renovations are delayed due to damage caused by a water leak. The damage must first be repaired before construction continues.
Update 7/13/2020:
Interior renovations are continuing as planned. During this shut down, the Board is creating a reopening plan to ensure safe operations and compliance with Manitoba Health Orders for COVID-19 prevention.
Our Green Team is refurbishing the ice rink area by replacing damaged boards and kick plates, as well as painting the boards. STCC has secured funding from GCWCC to purchase new professional-grade basketball backboards & hoops, and new equipment to have outdoor Pickleball in the rink during the summer.
The interior renovations are affecting access to the washrooms, when combined with the added procedures necessary for COVID-19 prevention this has prevented the community centre from hosting our annual summer events, as well as our summer drop-in this year. Instead, our focus this summer is to improve the centre's exterior grounds and recreation infrastructure for future use.