Click here for information about outdoor rink bookings.
From the Transcona Ringette Association:
Hello Ringette Families, the Transcona Ringette Association (TRA) is working hard to ensure that we will be able to implement the return to play plan which Ringette Manitoba has created, in collaboration with Ringette Canada and Manitoba Public Health. The approved plan is outlined on the Ringette Manitoba webpage, please check it out as needed. Here is the link for your reference: https://ringettemanitoba.ca/return-to-ringette/
TRA is looking forward to offering a quality, fun, and challenging program which falls within public health guidelines. We know it won't be like last year, but we are hoping to start returning to activity shortly after September 1, 2020. If possible, we are also looking to organize a RUST Buster skills camp in September.
TRA is pleased to announce we now have Online registration, which will open August 20th and close September 7, 2020. Click here to register. Link to register will also be our website.
Please note:
· Register each player separately
· Park City Players must also register at their club
· East End Players must also register at their club
· Emails used to register players will be used by TRA to share information such as tryouts and team information
· Email TRA at transconaringette.info@gmail.com
**Payments will be in installments ($100.00 deposit for intent to play non-refundable)
Stay Safe!!
NEW ***For more information and to REGISTER please go to the Transcona Ringette Associations website